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Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a powerful tool for building brand awareness. But with so many moving parts, influencer campaigns can be complex to manage. Upfluence is a software that identifies the best influencers for your brand. It also manages communications and payouts for influencers to save you time and headaches. Upfluence is ideal for brands that are ready to start with influencer marketing or scale an influencer program.

What It Can Do

Upfluence Features

Influencer Discovery & Search

Using advanced search tools and analysis, Upfluence can help you find exactly the right influencersto reach your target audience. If you sell on Shopify, you can use Upfluence to identify influential customers.

Relationship Management

Stay on top of communications with influencers using automated outreach tools. Think of Upfluence as a complete CRM (Customer Relationship Management tool) for your influencer marketing program.

Campaign Automation

With built-in campaign management, you can use Upfluence to create briefs (directions for creative content), approve content drafts, and communicate changes with influencers. 

Reporting & Analytics

Track every post in your campaigns and see the data analyzed in your performance dashboard. Upfluence's visual reporting helps you know exactly what’s working and what’s not.

Upfluence can help if...


And you want…

  • To expand your exposure with vetted and proven influencers
  • To save time sourcing influencers
  • An easy way to track the success of influencer marketing campaigns

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